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Corvallis Misdemeanor Crimes Attorney

Defending Against Class A, B, & C Misdemeanors in Oregon

Misdemeanors are criminal offenses punishable by less than one year in jail and generally carry lower fines than felonies. However, even a misdemeanor conviction can lead to a permanent criminal record, difficulty finding employment, loss of certain rights, and social stigma.

A skilled Corvallis misdemeanor crimes lawyer provides invaluable assistance in securing the best possible outcome by assessing the specifics of the case, crafting an effective defense, and representing the defendant with dedication and knowledge.

Call now at (541) 243-0678 or reach out online to speak with a Corvallis Misdemeanor Defense Attorney and schedule your legal consultation. Our team is ready to help you navigate your case and protect your rights.

Understanding Misdemeanor Charges in Oregon

Oregon misdemeanor crime is classified into four categories, class A being the most serious and class C being the least serious:

  • Class A - Up to 1 year in prison/$6,250 in fines. Common Class A misdemeanors include aggravated assault, DUII (driving under the influence of intoxicants), and theft in the third degree.
  • Class B - Up to 6 months in prison/$2,500 in fines. Common Class B misdemeanors include simple assault, disorderly conduct, and some drug-related offenses.
  • Class C - Up to 30 days in prison/$1,250 in fines. Common Class C misdemeanors include public intoxication, littering, or some minor theft charges.
  • Unclassified - Depends on the law that defines the crime

Additional penalties such as probation, community service, and restitution to the victim may also be ordered by the court. When you commit a crime, this is usually categorized as either a misdemeanor or a felony or a measure 11 crime. Misdemeanor crimes are those crimes that carry less severe punishments such as short jail sentences in a county jail, detention, and fine.

However, no matter how relaxed the penalties are, this doesn’t mean that misdemeanors can be handled without the help of a legal counsel. Aside from increasing your chances of getting the charges dismissed, a skilled Corvallis misdemeanor crimes attorney can also prevent your criminal charge from turning into a felony crime.

Sentencing Enhancements for Misdemeanors in Oregon

In Oregon, like in many states, sentencing enhancements can increase the severity of the penalties for a misdemeanor conviction. These enhancements apply in certain circumstances and can lead to longer jail sentences, higher fines, or other more serious consequences than what would typically apply for the same offense.

Common factors that lead to sentencing enhancements include:

  • Prior Criminal History: Oregon law often allows for harsher penalties if the individual has a history of prior misdemeanor or felony convictions.
  • Aggravating Factors: Aggravating factors can include the use of a weapon, hate crimes, victim vulnerability or if the misdemeanor is linked to gang involvement.
  • Domestic Violence: Misdemeanors that involve domestic violence, even if classified as a Class B or C misdemeanor, are treated more seriously in Oregon.
  • Repeat Offenses Within the Same Category: In some cases, if a defendant has been convicted of similar misdemeanor offenses within a certain time frame, this may lead to enhanced penalties.
  • Substance Abuse or Addiction: If the misdemeanor involves substance abuse (e.g., drug possession or public intoxication), and the defendant has a history of substance abuse or addiction, a sentencing enhancement may apply. Courts may order additional penalties like drug treatment programs or extended probation periods as part of an enhanced sentence.
  • Criminal Sentencing Guidelines: Oregon’s sentencing guidelines allow for an increase in penalties depending on certain factors. For example, a defendant convicted of a Class A misdemeanor might receive a more severe sentence if they were caught violating a court order, such as a no-contact order or protective order.

What are Common Defenses to Misdemeanor Charges?

A skilled Corvallis misdemeanor crimes lawyer will assess the specifics of the case and determine the most effective defense strategy. Common defenses in misdemeanor cases include:

  • Insufficient Evidence: If the prosecution lacks enough evidence to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, the defense may argue for dismissal or acquittal.
  • Self-Defense: In assault or domestic violence cases, a self-defense argument may be used if the defendant was protecting themselves from imminent harm.
  • Mistaken Identity: The defense may challenge the accuracy of identification procedures or provide evidence that another person was responsible for the crime.
  • Lack of Criminal Intent: If the defendant’s actions were accidental or lacked criminal intent, this defense may lead to reduced charges or acquittal.
  • Constitutional Violations: If law enforcement violated the defendant's constitutional rights, such as conducting an illegal search or seizure, the evidence may be inadmissible in court.

Seek the Help of a Skilled Corvallis Misdemeanor Lawyer

Protect your rights and best interests with the help of Jennifer I. Nash & Nicolas Ortiz, P.C. Our legal team brings more than 40 years of collective trial experience to help you through every step of the legal process. As a client-driven and client-centered practice, we approach all of our cases—regardless if it’s a misdemeanor or a felony or a measure 11 crime—with the same amount of diligence to obtain the results that clients like you want and need.

If you or someone you know has been charged with a misdemeanor crime, it is important to seek the help of Jennifer I. Nash & Nicolas Ortiz, P.C. right away. As your counsel, our misdemeanor crimes attorneys in Corvallis are determined to help protect your rights and guide you through the entire legal process.

We can begin with your case as soon as you schedule a consultation at (541) 243-0678.

When Your Rights Are Violated,

Contact Jennifer I. Nash & Nicolas Ortiz, P.C..
  1. We are prepared to put extensive trial experience to work for you.
  2. Hundreds of cases have successfully been handled by our firm.
  3. Our confidence in the courtroom produces favorable results.
  4. We bring over 40 combined years of legal experience to the table.
  5. All clients receive one-on-one attention from their attorney.
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